Hello Everyone one Greetings !* I hope your safe with your families in you homes.  Robin Hood Army Bhopal

*! Hello Everyone one Greetings !*
I hope your safe with your families in you homes. 

Robin Hood Army Bhopal hasbeen very fortunate that we could serve107,414+ raw meals to our citizens during this lockdown period and we wish to do more with your help because as the lockdown increases dearth and need increases.

Those who want to donate grains (Robins as well as their friends and family) can fill up the form given below and we'll contact them on priority. 
Your one contribution can make big difference. 

Guys this is the time to stand one! 

DM for any queries. 

Thank you,
Stay safe 💫
9691190195(Amit Trivedi
9131594756(Vivek Mishra)
7415620643(Vijay Wadhwani)
9406906373 (Anil Gupta)

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